Music manager

This software is a utility for managing a musical collection.

Among its main features:

• Allows parallel convertion of all audio files in a folder in MP3 format (about 128 bits, 44100Hz, VBR)

• Maintains existing ID3Tag (except images).

• Adds an image (cover forehead) to an ID3Tag if a "folder.jpg" file is in the root folder of the audio file.

• The source folder structure is preserved, as well as all non-audio files (images, pdfs ...). Thumbs.db files and AlbumSmallArt.jpg will be deleted.

• Converts playlists files from a music library to another (from windows to linux and vice versa, from a local folder to a network share). Music library must maintain identical data architecture.

Creates playlists from the media collection albums

• Allows cleaning a multimedia library to allow optimum use with a Sandisk Clip Zip.

• Included recovery sleeves from Amazon web services.

• Allows you to transfer playlists to the internal or external memory of a Sandisk Clip Zip drive.

• Allows you to transfer playlists from a drive to another.

• Allows cleaning a multimedia library to allow optimum use with a Creative Zen.

• Optimize playlists for PlexTv or Sonos platforms

Attention, it is necessary to install several libraries:

• Replay gain

• Lame

• EyeD3

• Exiftool

• Dos2unix & recode

To install these dependencies on Ubuntu, just enter the commands below in a terminal:

sudo aptitude install lame eyed3 libimage-exiftool-perl dos2unix recode gir1.2-gstreamer-1.0 gstreamer1.0-plugins-base gstreamer1.0-plugins-good gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libcairo2-dev libgirepository1.0-dev python3
python3 -m pip install --user rgain3
echo "export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bashrc
Last updated on 27/03/2020 20:18 by Matthieu Guenebaud

Download and installation

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Windows installation guide:

First, the Java plugin must be installed on the computer. The best way to check if everything is operational and up to date is to connect to the official Java address:

and use the provided installation checker.

If something is wrong, just follow the instructions on the page.

Then, a double click on the application installer (Jar file previously downloaded) is enough to start the installation. Follow the displayed indications.

Once the application is installed, a shortcut must be visible on the desktop.

Another shortcut is also available at "All programs" -- "GuenMatTools" -- "MusicManager".

In order to uninstall, click on the "Uninstall application" shortcut at "All programs" -- "GuenMatTools" -- "MusicManager".

Ubuntu installation guide:

First, the Java plugin must be installed on the computer. The best way to check if everything is operational is to launch the command below in a terminal:

sudo aptitude install openjdk-8-jre

If Java is no available, the installation will start.

Then lauch the command below on the application installer (Jar file previously downloaded):

java -jar desktop-x.x.x-standard.jar

Follow the indications, and once it is done, a shortcut will be available in the "Applications" menu.

In order to uninstall, launch the commands:

cd INSTALL_PATH/Uninstaller
java -jar uninstaller.jar