

Last updated on 03/10/2017 22:24 by Matthieu Guenebaud
Current configuration

Android : 4.1.2 build JZO54K

Radio : 1035.21_20110218

Kernel :

Install android SDK on Windows XP

Download android SDL latest version at:

Uncompress the file in the following folder

C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows.

The right click on the workspace icon on the desktop and click on properties.

Go to the advanced panel, and click on "environments variables".

In the system variables, edit the "Path" variable to add:

;C:\Program Files\android-sdk-windows\tools

(remember to add a ; if there are other paths declared).

Save and close.

Connect the phone (Ubuntu)

Activate USB debug in phone menu "Settings":

Settings -> Applications -> USB debug

Then create the following file:

sudo vi /etc/udev/rules.d/53-android.rules

With this content:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="1004", MODE="0666"

Reload the settings with the command:

sudo service udev reload

Test the result with:

adb devices

The phone must appear in the list if USB plugged.

Installer le recovery ClockworkMod

Download the recovery at:

Uncompress the "" (MD5: 7145b425f95a87dc5bde29ac4eba48ff) file with:


Check whether the phone is connected to the computer with the command:

adb devices

Then type:

chmod +x install-clockworkmod-linux.sh
Access recovery mode

Reboot the phone while pressing on power button and volume down at the same time.

Press the buttons until the recovery menu appears.

Custom ROM installation

Download your favorite custom ROM and copy its file on (/sdcard/_ExternalSD).

Then start recovery mode.

Do a full phone backup (nandroid).

Then select "apply an update zip", pick the custom ROM file and proceed.

Do a screen capture

Keep pressing the power button, then press HOME.

The screen capture will be available on the SD card in the folder "CapturedImages".