

Last updated on 03/10/2017 22:26 by Matthieu Guenebaud
Current configuration

Android : 7.1.1

Build : N7G75S

Bootloader & recovery

Bootloader access

Shutdown the watch, then press the start button. Keep it pressed until the watch vibrates while displaying the Huewai logo. Release the start button, and press it again immediatly.

The bootloader should now be displayed.

Recovery access

In bootloader mode, keep clicking on the start button until the recovery menu is displayed.

Then long press the start button to launch the recovery mode.

Install android wear 2.0 beta

Go to the developper settings and activated adb debugging.

Then type:

adb kill-server
sudo /data/Applications/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb start-server
sudo /data/Applications/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/adb reboot recovery
sudo /data/Applications/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/fastboot oem unlock

Select yes on the watch

The install android wear 2.0 from the downloaded google file with

sudo ./flash_all.sh

Do not forget to replace fastboot path with the fastboot path located in the android sdk (the latest one)

Ultimately, you can relock the bootloader.

sudo /data/Applications/AndroidSDK/platform-tools/fastboot oem lock